Four Ways to Give @ IGNITE!

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Scan above QR code & give today!

Give In-Person
An opportunity to give is offered
during the Sunday morning service.

Give Online
Give a single or recurring gift online.

Text To Give
Text give to 417.815.6211
On Phone? Tap here to give

Give By Mail
Checks can be made out to
IGNITE Church and mail to:
19585 MO-413
Reeds Spring, MO 65737

Why Do We Give?

Jesus taught in Matthew 6, there is a connection between our hearts and our wallets. He knew the biggest competitor for our trust and dependence on Him was money.

Giving is an opportunity to tangibly demonstrate we trust Him above anything else.

When we give, we’re saying we believe God can do more with part of our money than we can do with all of it.

What is Tithing?

Tithing is a way we worship God, because it shows Him that we trust His provision in our lives. “Tithe” means ten percent, which is the portion of our income that we give to God to say thank you for all He has given us. God doesn’t need our money, He wants our trust, and trusting Him with our finances is a great way to demonstrate our dependence on Him.

Read below verses
Malachi 3:8-11
Psalm 24:1
Proverbs 3:9